Sliding canopy in Switzerland

Blommaert werd door de Zwitserse firma Febatec gevraagd om 2 schuivende overkappingen te voorzien boven 2 waterreservoirs. De afmetingen van beide wateropvangbekken zijn respectievelijk 21 x 11 meter en 17…

Blommaert builds a sliding canopy over several water reservoirs in Switzerland.

Blommaert was asked by Febatec, a Swiss company, to provide 2 sliding canopies over 2 water reservoirs. The dimensions of the two water collection reservoirs are 21 x 11 metres and 17 x 11 metres respectively.

Each canopy consists of 4 sliding hatch covers. The length of the hatch covers varies from 5 to 6 metres. Both roofs are electronically controlled and secured so that they cannot be opened by unauthorised persons. The water reservoirs are located next to a very busy cycle route.

The roof was completed without any problems and the customer was highly satisfied with it.